📣 We recently had a fantastic TA Meetup in Hyderabad on August 31st, 2024! 🎉
During the meetup, we asked everyone to share one of the biggest challenges they've faced recently in recruitment. With nearly 50 attendees, we got some eye-opening insights! 👀
Here are the top challenges TA and HR folks are facing:
Fear of Saying No 😰
Time Management ⏰
Finding the Right Talent 🔍
Current Market Conditions 📉
Candidate Dropouts 😥
Notice Period Negotiations 😩
Getting a Job in the Current Market 💼
Job Security Concerns 😟
Candidate Backouts 😞
Layoffs 😔
Onboarding Challenges 🤝
Offer Drops/Declines 💔
You can see even more responses in the word cloud below. 👇
So, what do you think about these top challenges? 🤔 Are they resonating with your own experiences?
Comment below and let us know! 👇
We'll be covering this topic in the upcoming weeks in the form of content, articles, podcasts, panel discussions, and more. Stay tuned! 😉